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What is Sextravaganza?

Sextravaganza is a sex-positive, all-inclusive, educational fair that seeks to publicly embrace diversity in both sexuality and in gender. Its purpose is to provide fact- and experience-based information about sex practices, sexualities, gender identities, and sexual health.



When? May 4th - May 8th 2015


Where? U. Washington, Seattle


Who? Everyone


How much? None

...but we will accept donations to help fund next year's event! What kinds of donations you say? Monetary donations can be given at the doors to each event. Donations such as non-perishable items and clothing can be given, and will be passed along to our sponsor, Teen Feed. Please give to help those in need.







Sextravaganza 2015 would not have been possible without the following sponsors and partners. Partners are in bold. 

Peer Health Educators

Queer Student Commission

Planned Parenthood

NARAL Pro-Choice Washington

Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists

ASUW Women's Action Commission

Center for Sex Positive Culture

Lambert House: LGBTQ Youth & Young Adult Community Center

Teen Feed

UW Career Center


The Health & Wellness Office

Sex Workers Outreach Project of Seattle



Campus Coalition for Sexual Literacy

The Condom Club

Theta Chi Fraternity


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